

What are blocks?

What would happen if you cursed a person in the past? What would happen if you physically harmed a person in the past?  The universe is a circle. All actions return to the sender. How would the universe balance the karma if you willfully caused harm or agreed to experience something that was harmful? A block is the limiting result of your own creative power. You create with thoughts, which can be based on false or limited ideas about reality.  Whether your thought is true and positive, or false and negative, it becomes an agreement about reality and those agreements will manifest.

Blocks can take the form of outmoded belief structures, subconscious patterns and programs, discordant thought forms, as well as interference from other times.  These may manifest in your life as depression, phobias, frustration, relationship challenges, addictive/compulsive behavior patterns, limiting beliefs, lack of self worth or confidence, feeling blocked or unable to move forward, etc. 

What are agreements?

Whenever you make a decision, or take an action, you are making an agreement. Some agreements are healthy and life affirming. Some are not. On its spiritual journey back to wholeness, a Soul explores many different perspectives. When we agree to share the prevailing beliefs of a particular lifetime or society and adopt them as our own, they become a part of us.

What if you had a past life as a monk during which you had taken vows (made agreements) of poverty, obedience or celibacy? Would you still want those agreements to continue to be subconsciously manifesting in your current life? Quite often, we are living lives not based on conscious decisions about how life can be successfully lived, but on unconscious agreements derived from a strange combination of unique experiences, beliefs and ideas from other lifetimes.

In the monk example, you could be a hard working businessperson now, yet blocked in this life from fully experiencing financial success due to a vow of poverty. Perhaps you feel alone and isolated, caught in a perpetual cycle of frustrating and unfulfilling relationships. For some unknown reason you could be unable to receive the love and companionship you deserve to experience.

All of these may be due to past vows of loneliness, separation and suffering from other lives. Problems can manifest in a variety of ways. On the surface they make no sense, but from a soul perspective they are obvious attempts to maintain previous agreements. Without knowing the cause, you may experience deep frustration with yourself due to this type of subconscious self-sabotage.

The function of the Soul Clearing practitioner is to pinpoint what issues and unresolved patterns may be blocking you and to release them. Whether it is from a past life, your childhood, or other aspects of your being, once they are released you are free to choose how you want to live. The slate is clean.
