

Is Soul Clearing Right For Me?

You may choose to have a soul clearing if:

  • You are not experiencing the degree of aliveness, freedom, joy, inner peace, love, prosperity, balance, empowerment, confidence, happiness & well-being that you desire.

  • You feel stuck - unable to achieve forward movement no matter how hard you try.

  • You continually sabotage yourself in some way.

  • You are stuck in negative behavioral patterns: especially lack of self-love or issues of self worth, fear, guilt, anger, frustration, or suffering.

  • You desire a clearer connection with the Source of your being – spiritual awareness.

  • You desire to clear your path of any obstacles to living the life you desire.

  • You are committed to your spiritual path and purpose, and desire to evolve to the highest level possible.

What Soul Clearing is not:

Soul Clearing is not intended as a medical treatment or psychotherapy. It may shed light on the possible source of physical ailments you may be experiencing, or assist in helping to explain and shift your mental and emotional states, but it is not a licensed form of healthcare – either mental or physical. It works from the level of Spirit.

Soul Clearing is not a cure-all for every condition. Many forms of spiritual assistance and tools are also available. The continuing effectiveness of Soul Clearing depends on the individual.

Soul Clearing is a beginning – not an ending

You are a Soul on a spiritual journey, creating your life with every thought, word and action. Soul Clearing can clean up disruptive energies, and it is then up to you to be clear about what you choose to experience in life. Deeper layers of patterns and programs may surface after a Soul Clearing. An energy repatterning session may be appropriate to deal with these issues if you are not able to bring them up to clear by yourself.  It may also assist you in creating a life that truly works.  Other inner work may also be recommended to assist in gaining clarity and to support healthy patterns in your life. You are responsible for creating and maintaining a life that works and thrives. If you have been guided to this process then your Soul/Higher Self is simply using this as one way to assist you. Many other additional tools, approaches and processes that can complement a Soul Clearing are available to you as you continue to grow and express more of your potential.

