

What are the benefits?

This process can allow you greater quality in relationships, freedom from limiting emotional issues, and an inner peace that allows you to embrace a vibrancy of life previously unachievable. By releasing challenges, negative beliefs and programs that may be limiting your life, and replacing them with a greater sense of well-being, confidence, inner peace and empowerment, you can move forward with what is true for you and your life. The struggle is gone!

Some of the results of Soul Clearing may be:

  • Happiness and inner peace.
  • Greater capacity to express and attract love in your life.
  • Feeling clear and free.
  • Release of negative behavioral patterns or the inability to create and sustain forward motion in life.
  • Accelerated spiritual growth and development. Unfolding of the "True Self/Higher Self". 
  • Accessing and actualizing higher patterns of consciousness, awareness, and acceptance.
  • Clearing away faulty belief systems, mass-consciousness programs, duality, karma and perceived karmic patterns from past lives, birth or other imprints.
  • Reprogramming of subconscious belief structures.
  • Release of limitations through releasing vows, contracts, commitments, etc.
  • Release of entity attachments, past life agreements and vows connected with sources of negative energy.
  • Integration and gathering of split aspects of self and soul essence. Release of earthbound trauma.
  • Realignment of Spiritual Committee and guides into optimal configuration.
  • Clearing and repatterning of morphogenic fields.
  • Clearing of DNA and blocks to soul growth, and ascension.

Soul Clearing offers Self-empowerment through:

  • Connecting with the consciousness of your Soul and Higher Self.
  • Realignment with the Source and the Truth of your Being.
  • Balancing and realignment of all your energies, subtle bodies, chakras and genetic codes.
  • Experiencing freedom from denser thoughts and more light and peace within yourself.
  • Greater ability to connect with the clear guidance and protection of higher beings and dimensions.